Noticing the light

As I prepare to participate for the first time in the CPC Holiday Craft Boutique at Christ Presbyterian Church on 70th St. and highway 100 in Edina, MN, I’m reminded of the importance of light. The winter solstice—the darkest day of the year—occurs in a month, but right now, before turning on the double-fluorescent lights (one warm, one cool) in my basement workspace, the light from a nearby window is almost magical. Perhaps this special light will guide me as I finalize framing prints, and fold and package note cards, in anticipation of meeting you tomorrow, November 23, 2013, from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.

This event is a fundraiser for the church. “All monies received from application fees go toward mission projects sponsored by The Christian Fine Arts Committee at CPC. All persons associated with running the show are unpaid volunteers.” (This quoted material was provided to all participating artists.)

My next creative adventure as an exhibiting artist will be at the uplifting, inspiring 21st-annual Women’s Art Festival, Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. at the Midtown YWCA in south Minneapolis. All day long the gym will be filled with the creative work of 125 women artists, music performed by women musicians, food created by women, and warm hospitality. I hope you’ll stop in.

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