Donating art

A year ago, when a painter friend, Jean Leuthner, invited me to donate one original artwork to a non-profit for which she was volunteering, the simple size of 5” x 7” just wasn’t possible. My prints were either too large or too puzzling to be cropped to that size.

This year, when emails arrived from Jean and photographer friend, Lisa Lardy, I was ready to participate in Art 4 Shelter,, a benefit to raise money for Simpson Housing Services

At the 2-hour preview tonight, hundreds of art enthusiasts viewed the 1,200+ donated artworks prior to the sale. I was dazzled by the quality and diversity of the work, wishing I could return another time to admire the creativity and generosity of hundreds of local artists. I’m already thinking about what to donate next year!

One of the prints I donated was of bloodroot. I admire this spring ephemeral more than ever now that the blossoms I’ve pressed from violets, periwinkle, and marsh marigolds have shrunk and wrinkled in our phone book. The bloodroot blossoms stayed flat and agreeable throughout the printmaking process!

Vocabulary word: lachrymose—tearful, mournful

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